[vc_row][vc_column][vc_cta h2="Help Is Only A Phone Call Away" txt_align="center" shape="round" style="flat" color="vista-blue" el_width="sm" use_custom_fonts_h2="true" use_custom_fonts_h4="true"]Call Now 855-227-9535[/vc_cta] Oxycontin is a commonly prescribed painkiller to patients suffering from constant, chronic pain. It's a narcotic that's part of the opioid family, a set of drugs that were synthesized from the base parts of Opium. Their effect varies but mostly, their main effect is to relieve people of pain.
Is Oxycodone the Same as Oxycontin?
Yes. The main ingredient in Oxycontin is Oxycodone, which is also it’s only active ingredient. Oxycodone is an opioid that was synthesized from Thebaine, a weak alkaloid in Opium. Oxycodone is more powerful than morphine, but also has higher risks of abuse. They also test the same. Oxycodone tests for Oxycontin users will come up positive. In these cases, what doctors watch out for is the concentrations or the amount that's still in your system. If you have more Oxycontin in your system in relation to your prescription and what time you took your meds. If they detect a concentration that's higher than what's prescribed, they might revoke your prescriptions. The effect of Oxycodone tablets and Oxycontin will differ depending on the dosage. Gram for gram though, Pure Oxycodone is stronger than Oxycontin due to Oxycontin's other attribute. Oxycontin is Oxycodone placed inside a special slow-release/extended-release tablet. The tablet dissolves slowly in your stomach, releasing the Oxycodone bit by bit into your system. This means Oxycodone works faster, giving a better effect than Oxycontin. This, however, is where the fault lies. People who suffer from constant, chronic pain all day, will have to take multiple capsules of oxycodone to cover their functional hours. Oxycodone tablet lasts around 4-6 hours, which means a person as to take 2-4 tablets a day, potentially causing overdose, liver toxicity, and accelerates dependence. Oxycontin's formulation lasts 12 hours. A person needs to take only 1-2 capsules a day, minimizing the risk of overdose. If the effect is not enough to completely negate the pain, doctors will usually increase the concentration to meet their patient's pain-relief needs.Is Oxycontin a Narcotic?
When we say narcotics these days, more often than not, people would think of illegal drugs or drug used by addicts and criminals. In some cases, other non-narcotic substances such as cocaine, ecstasy, and marijuana are pooled together with the term. Narcotics is a term derived from the ancient Greek word that means "To make numb." This accurately describes what Narcotics do, which is to relieve pain by stopping your brain and spine from sending and to receive pain signals from your nerves. Oxycontin is a narcotic by definition. However, it’s also a controlled drug. Possession and usage of Oxycontin without a prescription, or more than what’s prescribed, can be penalized by the law. This means you can’t buy more than what’s prescribed, only you can use what you buy, and taking more of it, (if proven by proper blood tests,) can have your prescription revoked.What Does Oxycontin Do to You?
Oxycontin contains Oxycodone, an opioid synthesized from thebaine, a mildly psychoactive chemical found in Opium. They have painkilling and euphoric effects, both of which as factors in addiction. To understand their effect in the body, we must introduce the brain's chemical messenger, the neurotransmitters. There are several kinds, but their purpose is to make the brain receive and send certain signals. Our brain is composed of cells called neurons. These cells are composed of two parts: the sending parts called the axon, and the receiving parts called Dendrites. These dendrites are branch-like structures whose tips contain receptors. These receptors are what receives messages from another neuron's axon. They communicate by sending over neurotransmitters. The axon releases stored neurotransmitters inside it, and the receptors of the other neuron receive it and react accordingly. For example, you touched the tip of a needle, your skin cells will send a signal to your nerves. The neurons of the nerves send pain-related neurotransmitters at breakneck speed towards your spinal cord and brain. These two get the message and bring a pain signal back, that's when you feel the pain. This happens in milliseconds. Now, among the many neurotransmitters you have, there are two that are affected by Oxycontin. The first one is Endorphin. Short for "Endogenous Morphine," this is your body's natural painkiller. When you are in pain, angry, or excited, this chemical is what suppresses the other neurotransmitters from being released, effectively blocking the pain or calming you down. The second one is Dopamine, known as the ‘reward chemical'. When you do something that's good for you, or at least, what the brain considers as "good", it will trigger the release of dopamine. Examples of what the body thinks is good for you are: Eating when you are hungry, drinking water when you're thirsty, taking a cool shower when it's hot and vice-versa, and anything around the notion or activity of sex. Why explain all this? Because Oxycontin, along with all the opioids and opiates have something similar: they are structurally similar to endorphins. When Oxycontin enters your bloodstream, it eventually goes to the part of your head called the “blood-brain barrier.” This densely packed cells only allow very small, or very specific kinds of materials. Oxycontin passes seamlessly and goes into the brain. Your neurons get exposed to the oxycontin, and the neurons will react as if it had received endorphins. This is how Opiates and Opioids block pain. By mimicking Endorphins, they stop the signals from both reaching the brain and the other way around. Another effect is that the surge of opioids in the brain causes your brain to create a lot of dopamine, giving you a mild but overpowering sense of euphoria, or a false sense of wellbeing. This is the key addictive effect1iop[/.,m that made heroin illegal. For people who actually feel constant pain from their conditions, the euphoric effect is not felt as much.How Addictive is Oxycontin?
In order to understand how addictive a drug is, we have to first understand how addiction works. You could say that oxycontin is very addictive when abused, but so is alcohol and cocaine. Alcohol could be more addictive than Oxycontin or the other way around. The key here are the factors apart from the drug.-
Constant Stressors and Triggers
Supply of Substance
Tolerance and Dependency
The effect of the Substance
Can Oxycontin be Crushed?
Oxycontin should not be crushed and should only be swallowed whole. Oxycontin is a special slow-release capsule structured to last 12 hours in your body. Crushing the tablet will cause more Oxycodone to be released into your body, nearly guaranteeing an overdose. The effect will be overwhelming and will only last a few hours. Worse, if you have a prescription and a blood and urine test revealed that you have higher concentrations of Oxycodone in your system than what's prescribed, your physician will have the right to revoke your prescription. This will be in your permanent medical record and might make it difficult for you to get medications from other doctors.How Long Does Oxycontin Stay In Your Blood?
Surprisingly, drugs don’t remain detectable in your blood for a long time. In fact, blood has the smallest timeframe before any drugs become undetectable, but this is due to our body’s efficient and aggressive filtering systems. Considering we start counting after the 12 hours effect duration of Oxycontin, traceable amounts will remain up until 24 hours. Depending on your metabolism, it could be a few hours longer or shorter.
Important Facts About Oxycontin was first seen on Rehab Near Me