People can use OxyContin as prescribed by their doctors, people can abuse the drug and take it recreationally—sometimes it’s a mix of these two scenarios. There are only two possible outcomes either way: the person benefits from OxyContin because they used it properly, or they suffer from adverse effects and get addicted because they misused their prescription. With this thin line between pleasure and harm, we should know everything there is to know about the drug in question. On this article we will be discussing OxyContin: what it is and what it does to your body.
What is OxyContin?
OxyContin is a brand name for a prescription pain reliever. It has oxycodone as one of its active ingredients. As a potent analgesic, it is used to fight moderate to severe pain. It can help patients with cancer, arthritis, and other serious health conditions. It can also be used for those who have physical injuries. OxyContin is an opioid, which means it works as a painkiller. Like most opioids, it is taken from the opium poppy plant. Opioids are synthetic derivatives of the main ingredient, while opiates are natural derivatives. Still, the words opiate and opioid are used interchangeably because of their many similarities. OxyContin is different from oxycodone because it is made as a time-released formula. It comes in an oral pill and tablet form. Higher dosages of the drug should only be taken if you have been regularly taking moderate amounts of opioid pain medication. Consult your doctor and follow their prescription carefully. This is a very potent drug that can cause overdose if taken in larger doses. It can also be addictive. It is not intended for mild pain relief, and should not be used in an “as needed” basis.What are the Side Effects of OxyContin?
Taking OxyContin, even at pharmaceutical doses can cause a few side effects like nausea, vomiting, constipation, excessive sweating, and weakness. Abusing the drug can increase the likelihood of these side effects, and these may worsen over time. Some people continue to take OxyContin recreationally because it makes them feel good. Opiates and opioids cause euphoric sensations which relax the user and limit their inhibitions. This is the addictive side of OxyContin and prescription painkillers. If you experience side effects and you’re not misusing your prescription, tell your doctor about it. Once tolerance builds up, your body will start requiring more OxyContin just to get the same effects. Recreational users are likely to become physically dependent. This means they won’t be able to function normally without taking the substance. In no time, they will become addicted. They will compulsively take the drug even when they are already suffering from adverse effects. [maxbutton id="3" ] If you or someone you love is addicted to OxyContin, there’s still hope of recovery. Look for an addiction treatment center near you and find out what programs they offer for this type of condition. Treatment may be done in an inpatient or outpatient setting. What’s important is that you get the help you need right away. OxyContin is a good solution to many types of pain—but when misused, it can cause so much trouble. Just ask anyone who’s been addicted to a drug before. It can ruin your life. Don’t hesitate to seek treatment right away!
OxyContin: What is It? is courtesy of
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