Learning about all the different kinds of addictive substances can help you with two things: understanding what addicted individuals are going through, and avoiding addiction yourself. On this article we will be discussing two useful and potent prescription opioids: oxycodone and OxyContin. Particularly, we will try to answer one of the most common questions regarding these drugs: are they the same thing? Is OxyContin the same as oxycodone? The answer is yes and no. The differences and similarities between these prescription painkillers are abundant, so let's get to it:
Oxycodone vs. OxyContin
Oxycodone is actually a generic chemical opioid—meaning it can be used for pain management. It also happens to be the active ingredient in OxyContin. So while yes, the two are very similar in terms of functionality, they are also different in certain key aspects. Both of these substances can help treat moderate to severe pain. They are both very addictive substances that should not be taken recreationally. So what are the differences between oxycodone and OxyContin? Let’s have a look.What are they for?
OxyContin and oxycodone are powerful opioid medications. OxyContin is the brand name for a drug that contains oxycodone. They are used for medical conditions that produce extreme discomfort for patients: cancer pain, post-traumatic pain, and surgical pain. They work by attaching to the opioid receptor in the brain, spinal cord, and gastrointestinal tract. This way, they can alter the brain’s perception of pain, making it more bearable for the patient. Once taken, these substances don’t just relieve pain, they also make you feel slightly euphoric. This is why many people abuse their prescription and end up getting addicted. This extreme feeling of well-being is what pushes people to take high doses of oxycodone or OxyContin. Oxycodone and OxyContin are habit forming opioid drugs that cause longterm effects such as physical dependence, mental health problems, and addiction. Regardless of which drug is abused, both of them can be very dangerous. No doubt that these two drugs are helpful when used properly—but they can cause addiction, tolerance, dependence, and a number of health problems when the prescription is misused. [maxbutton id="3" ]Immediate and Extended Release Formulations
The main difference is that oxycodone makes use of an immediate release formulation. On the other hand, OxyContin is an extended release formulation. OxyContin’s controlled release mechanism allows it to relieve pain for extended periods of time. Oxycodone can offer quick relief for short periods. Your doctor will prescribe whichever is most suitable for your current condition. Generally, OxyContin should be taken every 12 hours while oxycodone is taken every 4 to 6 hours because this pain reliever has a time release feature. Oxycodone is a short acting opioid, meaning it has a rapid onset, but also a short-lived therapeutic effect. The effects can kick in within 30 minutes of administration. Pain relief may last up to 4 hours. is not supposed to be taken as needed. They stay in the system for a longer period of time, meaning, misusing it can cause an overdose. Do not ignore the warning signs. If someone becomes addicted to these synthetic drugs, they won't be able to quit without experience withdrawal symptoms. Do not force them to quit abruptly. Instead, look for a drug addiction treatment facility in your area. The patient will undergo a drug test in order to find the right treatment options for their prescription drug abuse problem. Use these painkillers properly in order to avoid addiction. Do not use it without a doctor’s approval—because the effects of drug abuse can be life-threatening. If you or someone you love is addicted to oxycodone or OxyContin, or any other prescription drug, look for an addiction treatment center right away.
Is Oxycodone and OxyContin the Same Thing? is republished from www.rehabnear.me
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