Tuesday 3 April 2018

Dealing with Insomnia: How Long Does Ambien Make You Sleep?


Anxiety is the body’s natural reaction to stressful situations. We can say that it’s a part of our fight or flight response. But for many people, anxiety is also a crippling disorder that makes everyday life difficult. It’s a serious condition that affects about 40 million American adults every year. And anxiety comes in many different forms, including obsessive-compulsive disorder, social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and panic disorder. These conditions can make it hard for an individual to perform their usual tasks, affecting their productivity and quality of life. Aside from the fear and dread caused by anxiety, it can also make it much harder for a person to sleep. And if a person is suffering from insomnia, the sleep deprivation can make them even less likely to function like they usually do. For these people, medications like Ambien can help relax them and keep their mind at ease. The goal is to help improve quality of sleep—or at least help the patient fall asleep in the first place. Unfortunately, Ambien has a high risk of dependency, and must be used exactly as prescribed. On this article we will be focusing on the sleep-inducing effects of this drug, and how long it stays in your system. [maxbutton id="2" ]  

Ambien: How long does it Make You Sleep?

This sedative-hypnotic drug’s effects last for about 8 hours after you take it. Do take note that the half life of Ambien is only 1.5 hours. That’s because it helps facilitate sleep, and the rest of its effects help the patient stay asleep. Also known by its generic name zolpidem, Ambien can relieve the symptoms of insomnia by slowing down the activities in the central nervous system. That’s why Ambien users are heavily sedated after taking the drug. Some patients may act out activities while sleeping, and they’ll have no memory of it the following day. The depressant properties of Ambien can make it very dangerous for users to drive while under its effects. Users may also experience physical and mental side effects such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, drowsiness, and lightheadedness. However, there are people who actively take Ambien because of its relaxing effects. Taking the drug recreationally often involves higher doses of the drug, making the above side effects more likely to occur. Recreational users may also experience other adverse effects like loss of balance, nightmares, confusion, aggression, muscle cramps, depression, hallucination, and respiratory depression. Ambien is also habit-forming, so taking large doses or misusing your prescription can lead to addiction. If a person takes Ambien continuously, they may develop physical dependence. This means they will no longer be able to quit the drug without going through withdrawal. Normally, Ambien is only taken for no longer than 2 weeks. The best way to deal with this problem is with the help of trained medical professionals. They may use a combination of medical detox and behavioral therapy while in an inpatient or outpatient setting to help the addicted person get sober once more. Treatment methods may vary from person to person though, because it will depend on the severity of Ambien addiction. Look for an addiction treatment center near you today and find out how your loved one can get over their Ambien addiction! https://www.rehabnear.me/

The featured blog post Dealing with Insomnia: How Long Does Ambien Make You Sleep? is courtesy of Rehab Near Me


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