Saturday, 22 April 2017

Is Drug Addiction A Disease?

Contents1 The scenario is true even if they wanted to stop and this is, the brain disease model of addiction according to researchers. 2 Research on Brain Science revealed that addiction harms the brain in three major ways:2.1 It changes the brain’s reward circuits making it less sensitive.2.2 Addictive drugs also increase the brain’s reaction to stress.2.3 Drugs weaken the regions of the brain that allow individuals to make a good decision.3 How To Treat The Drug Addiction Disease? We often get asked this question by friends and family members of drug addicts. Their loved ones could not seem to deeply understand why it would be difficult for anyone addicted on any kind of substance to just quit. It is also extremely difficult for them to believe that stopping drugs actually hurt the individuals emotionally and physically. For all well-meaning friends and family of an addicted user, more than anything else, it is good to know that the struggle is not just to stop a habit because it is more than just that; it is a disease. A person who takes drugs or alcohol for a prolonged period of time can actually change the way their brain performs. In fact,....

Is Drug Addiction A Disease? is available on


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