Friday 16 November 2018

How Long Does Fentanyl Withdrawal Last?


  [vc_row][vc_column][vc_cta h2="Help Is Only A Phone Call Away" txt_align="center" shape="round" style="flat" color="vista-blue" el_width="sm" use_custom_fonts_h2="true" use_custom_fonts_h4="true"]Call Now 855-227-9535[/vc_cta] As a powerful opioid painkiller, it’s no surprise that Fentanyl can cause withdrawal symptoms. Most opioids are addictive, and taking them in high doses can make a person physically dependent. And once you develop drug dependence, you won’t be able to quit without experiencing withdrawal. That is why it is important to discuss Fentanyl withdrawal and its effects. How long does it last? What are the symptoms of withdrawal? Let’s take a closer look.

Fentanyl Withdrawal: What You Need to Know

withdrawal_from_fentanylAccording to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, Fentanyl is 25 to 50 times stronger than heroin and up to 100 times stronger than morphine. Fentanyl has a high addiction potential, and that’s why many people who have a history of substance abuse hesitate to take the substance even if it is prescribed to them. If you are struggling with Fentanyl abuse, you need to seek professional treatment because withdrawal can be an intense thing to go through alone. In fact, many Fentanyl-addicted individuals think twice about quitting out of fear of withdrawal. But with proper medical attention, you can get over the physical effects of drug abuse—including the withdrawal symptoms. People who are addicted to this drug can go through detox to achieve long-term recovery.

Why is Treatment for Withdrawal Necessary?

It goes without saying that it is difficult to quit Fentanyl without proper help. This is a highly potent substance that is often given to those who are struggling with severe or chronic pain. Unfortunately, it produces euphoric effects, which is what pushes people to start abusing the drug in the first place. It makes you feel good. That’s why many people take it recreationally, not knowing the risks. And if a person is already addicted, attempting to quit without proper treatment will result in withdrawal. Fentanyl withdrawal symptoms are known to be extremely uncomfortable. However, this can be true for any other opioid drug.

How Long Does it Last

Withdrawal from Fentanyl can last two weeks to a month. Psychological effects may last even longer. That is because Fentanyl is not a short-acting drug, like certain opioids. It has a half-life of about seven hours, which means it takes approximately three days to clear from the body. This also means that those who abuse the drug will tend to have it in their system for longer periods of time. Initial withdrawal symptoms can begin within several hours of stopping Fentanyl use. These symptoms may include pain in the joints, muscles, and other parts of the body. You may experience nervousness, anxiety, trembling, restlessness, and the inability to sleep. Day three to seven will involve the continuation and eventual peak of these early symptoms. You may feel nauseated during this time. Some people experience diarrhea, runny nose, vomiting, aches, and pains. After a week, the symptoms will slowly decrease. Anxiety may continue for the long-term and depression may develop. Do take note that withdrawal symptoms will vary from person to person. The intensity and duration of withdrawal will depend on the person’s drug habits, their medical history, their metabolism, and their health condition among other factors. [maxbutton id="2" ] Other potential withdrawal symptoms include a headache, dilated pupils, agitation, tearing, yawning, goosebumps, and excessive sweating. Withdrawal from Fentanyl can be very difficult. Do not try to quit on your own, especially if you have been taking Fentanyl for a long time. Cravings and withdrawal symptoms may cause you to relapse. You need support from an experienced substance abuse treatment team. They will be able to provide a comprehensive, personalized program so that you can go back to living a sober life. Look for an addiction treatment facility near you today!

The above post How Long Does Fentanyl Withdrawal Last? was originally published to


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