Friday, 31 March 2017

Alcoholism Effects: It Is More Than Just Liver Disease?

In alcoholism, the increased intake of alcohol can damage the nerves and cause disruptive functions. The amount of alcohol that enters the body can turn into alcoholic neuropathy, a severe nerve damage.   Neuropathy is the medical term used to describe nerve damages. Individuals diagnosed with neuropathy have some level of nerve malfunctions. Generally, the neurons help the body create actions, both conscious and unconscious. If you read our previous blog, Is Binge Drinking A Sign Of Early Alcoholism? Then you already know of the dangerous road that overusing alcohol can lead you down. The Nervous System To fully understand the way by which alcohol can affect the nervous system, you need to know the functions of the system first. The CNS or Central Nervous System is composed of the brain and the spinal cord. The brain controls body’s function including actions, emotions, thoughts, and communication. The spinal cord, on the other hand, functions to send messages from and to the brain as well as to the peripheral system. The Autonomic Nervous System consists of the parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions. The entire nervous system works without any conscious actions or efforts. Both divisions in the ANS controls body processes, including....

Alcoholism Effects: It Is More Than Just Liver Disease? was originally published on


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