Thursday, 30 March 2017

Is Binge Drinking A Sign Of Early Alcoholism?

Can Weekend Binge Drinking Be A Precursor To Alcoholism? Drinking during your weekend break does not automatically imply that you have a trouble with alcohol. However, if you are in the case of binge alcohol consumption, it is time to reevaluate yourself. In other words, you had better check yourself before you wreck yourself. You may decide to kick off the weekend break with a glass of wine, a beer,  or other mixed beverage of your choosing. What begins as one beverage soon leads to one after another. Before you knew it, casual drinking turns sloppy. Why Binge Drinking Isn’t A good Idea Binge alcohol consumption on weekend breaks can be extremely harmful. The issues may start with sleep problems that can progress to more serious conditions that involve both the liver and  lungs.  In addition, drinking a large amount of alcohol in a short amount of time can set off signs and symptoms of alcohol poisoning or worse alcohol-related coma. While excessive alcohol consumption does not always progress into alcoholism, it boosts your risk of developing dependence. The line between alcohol addiction and binge drinking during the weekend can be too thin, leaving most people unsure of whether it’s....

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