[vc_row][vc_column][vc_cta h2="Help Is Only A Phone Call Away" txt_align="center" shape="round" style="flat" color="vista-blue" el_width="sm" use_custom_fonts_h2="true" use_custom_fonts_h4="true"]Call Now 855-227-9535[/vc_cta] Addiction is a complex and frustrating condition. It demands a lot of your time and energy, whether or not you’re actively seeking treatment for it or not. Every day an addicted individual refuses to seek treatment, they are increasing their chances of experiencing deadly adverse effects. Addiction worsens over time after all. They will be spending lots of time and energy dealing with physical and mental health problems. On the other hand, those who are looking for ways to get sober are also putting in a lot of work. But it’s clear which one is being more productive. Addiction treatment is complicated and it takes a long time—but proper rehabilitation can help improve a person’s life. It can help someone get over their substance addiction. And there are a lot of treatment options available out there, most of which can be tailored to the specific needs of an individual. On this article we will be talking about aftercare—the treatment stage that follows a successful rehab program. This is the next step for people who have received proper rehabilitation, as well as an ideal goal for those who are yet to turn their lives around. If you or someone you care about has already completed the initial level of care needed to achieve sobriety, then you’re ready for the next step. Yes, it seems tiring, but there is still a bit more work to do. Today we are going to talk about the process that follows detoxification and initial rehabilitation. It's all about finding the right living environments for the patient. After all, we want to make sure you and your loved ones are able to maintain a drug-free lifestyle. Sobriety is a long term commitment, and aftercare will improve your chances of sticking with it.
Why is Drug Rehab Important?
Before anyone could get to the point where they could receive aftercare, they need to undergo drug rehab first. And because addiction itself is so overwhelming, many people refuse to seek treatment. They are already going through a lot of physical and mental health problems—and knowing that treatment is also a difficult process can prevent them from pursuing it. It’s easy to understand why someone would be so hesitant. They also have social and financial problems to deal with after all. Knowing that addiction treatment isn’t a walk in the park, why shouldn’t they just stick with substance abuse? As human beings, we have a tendency to stick with the things that make us feel good. That’s why drugs are so addictive. They stimulate our reward system and give us pleasure. It's similar to getting cosmetic surgery--it feels good to become more attractive, so people who get them are likely to get them again. But you can expect some post operation problems if you keep doing it to yourself. But addiction treatment is the only way to get out of this hole created by substance abuse. It is necessary to get out of your comfort zone, because it is also for your own good. A patient must first get past their anxiety and fears regarding rehab before they could commit themselves to the treatment program. Remember that you don’t have to overcome addiction all by yourself. In fact, you shouldn’t do it on your own. There is only one way to safely get the drugs out of your system, and that is through rehab. Some cases of addiction also involve physical dependence. This means that the person’s body has adapted to the drug’s presence and will no longer function properly without it. It will react negatively if the person quits abruptly. Self-regulation puts a person’s health and safety at risk. In order to avoid intense withdrawal symptoms, the help of professionals is needed. And if a person has been using a drug for a long time, there’s a good chance they won’t be able to quit without going through withdrawal. With the help of professionals, these withdrawal symptoms can be made more manageable.Why is Aftercare Important?
Addiction is best treated using a combination of professionally supervised detox and behavioral therapy. It can be done as an inpatient or outpatient program. But the exact treatment methods used will be based on a patient’s specific needs. A lot of factors may come into play when making a treatment plan for a certain individual. Their health condition, their drug of choice, their co-occurring disorders, their substance abuse history, and many other factors may be taken into consideration.Addiction affects everyone in different ways.
Proper detoxification is conducted to gradually wean the person’s body off a certain drug. Their intake will be lowered, and any withdrawal symptom that manifests is handled by medical professionals. This is a slow but effective process that serves as the first line of defense against relapse. Eventually the substance will be cleared from the patient’s system, and their body will be cleared of its toxic influence. Detox is a very effective way to combat addiction and its effects, but it is only the first step towards a successful recovery. Recovering patients must continue receiving care through a period of structured addiction treatment. Aftercare is the general term that refers to any follow-up treatment that is done after substance abuse treatment. Just like regular rehabilitation, aftercare can be done in an inpatient or outpatient setting. Rehabilitation often has an indefinite timeline depending on the severity of addiction, but it does have an end point. Aftercare and ongoing recovery efforts should be done continuously. Don’t worry, most rehabs don’t just send their patients off after a program without giving them a solid discharge plan. They will even help the patients find high quality aftercare programs. The goal for all aftercare programs is simple: find ways to help the patient avoid relapse. It is focused on maintaining all the progress made by the patient up to this point. In the end, a good aftercare program will encourage the patient to achieve a fulfilling life. They will rebuild a person’s hope, as well as repair their sense of purpose. A person who has struggled with addiction for a long time will want to create new relationships or fix old ones. Substance abuse has its way of getting in the middle of healthy friendships and other relationships. And addiction impairs a person’s judgment to the point where they can no longer prioritize the people who are important to them. Repairing these relationships can help the patient transition into the drug-free lifestyle. Aftercare is also important because longstanding substance abuse can alter the brain’s functioning. This means many of its effects do not instantly reverse once the person completely stops using the substance. Some effects of addiction can last long after drug use has been terminated. Here we are referring to the psychological changes caused by drug abuse. It affects a person’s thoughts, feelings, emotions, and behaviors in a way that persists long after a person has stopped taking the drug. Removing the substance from the body is a great way to start dealing with these problems, but the patient still needs to deal with them. Aftercare reaffirms the patient’s commitment to getting better in the long term. Do keep in mind that relapse is always a possibility. This makes it difficult to accurately measure the effectiveness of an aftercare program. But at least aftercare makes it less likely to occur. Even with addiction treatment, relapse may occur. In fact, it happens in between 40 and 60% of drug addicted individuals. For those who did not undergo relapse, the likelihood of relapse was higher. It is interesting to note that relapse does not necessarily mean treatment failed. It merely indicates that the person requires extra care or even alternative aftercare options. The best aftercare programs incorporate comprehensive services that address a person’s relationships, finances, legal involvement, education, vocation, mental health, and medical status. Great aftercare programs take these things into consideration in order to prevent further stress. Stress increases the chance of relapse, so aftercare cannot simply focus on one area alone. Aftercare needs to address and fix the root causes of the issue at hand. Are there co-occurring problems? Are there other substances being abused? Are there financial and legal hurdles to be addressed? Fixing as much of the issues as possible can prevent the person from returning to the same mental space they were during their addictive phase.What are the Components of Successful Aftercare?
There are certain ways to measure the success or effectiveness of an aftercare program, even if recovery is a lifelong affair. For starters, if the patient is able to maintain their health by using a combination of diet and exercise, then the aftercare treatment is successful. The patient must be able to avoid relapse, and must avoid abusing any other addictive substance in the future. The patient must also maintain their mental health, not just the physical. It is known that stress, depression, and other mental health issues could lead to relapse and/or substance abuse. This is why aftercare is supposed to help the person adjust to a life without drugs. Furthermore, just like how addiction ruins a person’s relationships, addiction treatment and aftercare must help them become social again. They should be taught how to deal with their relationship problems and how to reconnect with the people they’ve hurt. Making amends can be difficult, but it helps the person adjust and accept the consequences of their actions. They must be able to build new social networks, engage in healthy relationships, and improve current ones. It helps if the person develops a strong community involvement after their treatment. It teaches them how to interact with the world beyond themselves. On top of all these, the patient must learn to develop a sense of purpose. Through effective aftercare, they can accept that substance abuse isn’t the only way to be happy. Hopefully, they will find a better way to channel all their energy into creating something positive for themselves.What are Luxury Recovery Houses?
Luxury recovery houses are growing in popularity these days. And it’s easy to see how most of this attention is coming from individuals who have spent their time at a luxury residential drug rehab facility. These people have experienced all the amenities, the extra care, the holistic approach to addiction treatment—and they have nothing but good words for it. So word of mouth is basically giving luxury recovery houses all the marketing they need. These types of living environments are becoming all the rage these days. And these facilities aren’t just successful in terms of marketing. People who have just received treatment from luxury rehab facilities are also the ones who make up the demand for luxury living homes. This is because people want continued access to the types of amenities they experienced during treatment there. So what exactly are luxury recovery houses and what are they for? Basically, it gives you the aftercare you need in order to maintain a drug-free life after the treatment. Every aftercare benefit we mentioned above is provided by luxury recovery houses. But what about the “luxury” part of the name? Well, it treats aftercare with the same holistic approach of a luxury rehab facility. It gives you access to several amenities while you focus on getting your emotional needs fulfilled. You can expect luxury sober living houses to be more expensive compared to the more traditional sober living houses out there. But just like luxury rehab facilities, these recovery homes guarantee a high quality service. You won’t just physically and emotionally, you will even enjoy your stay there!What are the Benefits of Luxury Recovery Houses?
Despite the cost of luxury living houses, they do provide some undeniable benefits. Some patients even prefer the comforts of a luxury sober living house over the traditional ones. When it comes to luxury recovery homes, comfort is the top priority. It is the most essential element that sets it apart from regular sober living homes. Of course, that’s not to say regular sober living houses are uncomfortable. If you don’t want to invest on a luxury living house, then you can still get the same treatment from a regular one—just don’t skip the aftercare. Luxury living homes simply ensure that you get to be as comfortable as possible. The residences are stocked with comfy furniture and top-of-the-line home accents. Your room will have a high-definition television, among other appliances. The idea is to help the patient ease back into the real world following rehab and to make sure they get the stress out of their system. As such, luxury living homes and their amenities cannot be compared to the traditional type of sober living. And because the patient will be staying in the facility for a certain period of time, they should get only the finest food choices available. You can expect luxury recovery houses to provide the best cuisine for each day of your stay in the facility. These homes provide the finest cuisine made by professional chefs. They are made to be healthy so that your body can continue healing. In fact, meal plans will be made to suit each patient’s needs. Do note that some facilities staff full time chefs, while others have meals catered to the facilities every day. Either way, the facilities encourage healthy meals that can help encourage new eating regimens. The kitchen staff members aren’t the only ones to commend though. The staff in general is made up of well trained professionals who specialize in their respective fields. Their job is to make sure the patient’s needs are met, and that everyone is able to live in a safe environment. Sober living homes should have the best and most convenient location. And since these facilities could be found almost anywhere, it’s important to look for the ones closest to the patient’s residence. Luxury recovery houses, on the other hand, are usually located in areas that are a bit more secluded from the patient’s stressful environments. They could be in remote locations, similar to luxury rehab facilities, because they emphasize being one with nature. Some luxury recovery houses are not located in remote areas, but are still in nice neighborhoods, usually ones with quiet streets. But the most impactful benefit of a luxury living house is the top quality aftercare that the patient will receive. These luxury sober living homes can provide access to the best follow up counseling programs that will help the patient maintain sobriety.What Can You Expect at Luxury Sober Living?
Luxury recovery houses can provide all the essential elements to help you transition from treatment to living normally again. The amenities may be different depending on the facility you visit, but the core is the same for all of them: they will help you get back on your feet, so you can start living the sober life once more. You can expect the luxury recovery homes to maintain a strict set of rules. Often these rules pertain to guests, chores, and substance abuse. Individuals living in luxury recovery homes are expected to follow these rules at all times—of course, this is for everyone’s benefit. Even luxury sober living homes serve as an exercise in accountability and responsibility. Oftentimes, you may encounter people undergoing similar experiences. You may take advantage of this by getting to know them, supporting one another, and developing close friendships. In a luxury sober living home, you may be taught how to readjust to the sober life. A patient may re-learn the responsibilities they may have neglected during their time with substance abuse. It will give them a better sense of purpose. They may learn how to reclaim their individuality, their creativity, and their passion for life. In any sober living house, patients slowly learn how to take control of their lives. During addiction, a person surrenders this control and lets the drug cloud their judgment. It gives them euphoria. It makes them feel like losing control is the best thing. But after treatment, the patient will see that this self-destructive path is not the only way to be. Just because a facility offers lots of amenities and high quality services doesn’t mean their patients can’t learn a thing or two about better habits. Important lessons and realizations can occur even as you’re getting that full body massage, and even as you’re eating fine cuisine. Expect a high level of comfort, even when you’re learning how to adjust to a drug free lifestyle. Most luxury sober living houses actually come with all the comforts of home. You’ll feel very comfortable with the furniture and top-of-the-line appliances. Beauty and comfort are the main priorities in these spaces. You can expect the homes to be elegant. Patients are generally allowed to bring their own possessions. A deluxe sober living home may also give you access to different activities. These activities will help you get your mind off of the stress caused by addiction. Now that you’ve been treated, it’s time for you to enjoy yourself. You may try out yoga, meditation, and other activities related to physical fitness. Who says you can’t get in shape? If you need to stimulate your mind, there are surely other activities for that. You can try art therapy if you want to get your creative juices flowing. You can try music therapy, and animal-assisted therapy. Some sober living homes provide these classes on site. Others provide these classes by linking with nearby providers. The truth is that these classes can help speed up a person’s recovery. It can help them feel normal again. Patients can get in touch with their emotions and thoughts—things that may have taken a backseat to the problems that caused their addiction in the first place. And once they did abuse a drug, their thoughts and emotions took a backseat to the mental health effects it caused. Now the last thing you should expect from luxury sober houses is that you will learn to be independent. This means the staff will not be tending to their every need, just like in a luxury rehab facility. The staff members are well-trained to give you the services necessary, but they will not be waiting on you 24/7. The goal is to help you build your personal responsibility. And so patients will not be coddled, as it can do more harm than good. The service will still be exquisite, but for the most part, you will learn to manage yourself in a comfortable zone. In luxury sober living homes, there are more amenities, but chores and responsibilities can still be expected. This will simulate what the patient will need to do when they return home. With all the benefits of luxury sober living houses, is there any surprise that they are so popular all over the world? From the US to the Dominican Republic, these recovery homes are very well-known.What are 12 Step Programs and what are the Benefits?
12 Step Programs are often hailed as the “standard” for recovery from nearly any type of addiction. And while different programs may benefit different types of people, it is still important to talk about what the 12 Step Program is. The 12 Step Program is one of the oldest kinds of treatment programs around. They are still around, and many people are still benefiting from them, which is a testament to how effective they are. The 12 Steps were developed by the founders of Alcoholics Anonymous. Their purpose was to establish the guidelines for the best way to overcome addiction (mainly to alcohol, but later on it would be used for other kinds of addiction). This program easily became successful in its early years, which is why other addiction support groups later adapted it into their own treatment to support their own needs. 12 Step Programs may vary depending on the type of addiction. They all use the same 12 Step methods, with only slight variations depending on a program’s goal. For example, the 12 Step Program relies heavily on spirituality, but non-religious groups have either found the program helpful on its own, or adapted it somehow to suit their beliefs. When it comes to the 12 Step Program, there’s no wrong way to approach it. The participants may try to figure out the best way to do it. Sometimes they will need to revisit certain steps, or even attempt to do two at a time. Recovery is a lifelong process, after all. Here are the 12 Steps as defined by Alcoholics Anonymous:- We admitted we were powerless over alcohol–that our lives had become unmanageable.
- Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
- Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.
- Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
- Admitted to God, to ourselves and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.
- Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.
- Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.
- Made a list of persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.
- Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.
- Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.
- Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.
- Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics and to practice these principles in all our affairs.

The featured blog post Luxury Recovery Houses: What does a Recovery House Offer after Rehab? Read more on: Rehab Near Me
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