Tuesday 30 January 2018

Opioids: Why Do They Cause Constipation?

Constipation is one of the most common symptoms people encounter when they are taking opioids. But have you ever wondered why? Some people take opioids because it was prescribed to them. Some people take opioids illicitly in order to get high. But whatever the motivation, the likelihood of constipation is the same. So why does it happen? The connection between opioids and constipation is such a common issue that new medications are being developed specifically for the treatment of this problem. Sometimes people start taking opioids in conjunction with alcohol, and when they go to detox and then rehab it is a dual diagnosis program for the treatment center that they attend. Dual programs that are drug rehab and alcohol rehab related to treat both types of addiction are more specialized and can be found in luxury rehabs and traditional rehab programs.

Let’s take a look at the causes of opioid-induced constipation.

What are Opioids?

Opioids are prescription painkillers that are given to patients who are struggling with moderate to severe pain. They are only prescribed for patients with conditions that cannot be managed with over-the-counter painkillers. This may include cancer pain, post-surgical pain, and traumatic pain. Opioids are similar to opiates in terms of function, but they are technically different. Opioids are synthetic and semi-synthetic derivatives of the opium poppy plant. Opiates are the natural derivatives. But because they are so similar, both terms are used interchangeably in common usage. Substance abuse treatment programs are battling this opioid epidemic as best they can. These treatment plans range from being government funded to being privately funded through various types of insurance accepted. The quality of care ranges that you will receive. Government supported centers, have less frills, but are centered around recovery. The higher end rehabilitation centers that typically only accept private insurances typically have better facilities and a smaller staff to patient ratio. Some Drug and alcohol rehabs offer inpatient and outpatient care. Each type of care has its own merits. If you have a family care need then out patient might be the way to go. Then again in patient can get you surrounded and inundated with like minded people at all times. Luxury rehab options include addiction therapies for the individuals and often for family members. Some treatment options involved the 12 step program. Others are non traditional treatment facility based and their drug treatment options are centered around the non12 step approach which is becoming increasingly popular. Mental health also plays a large part in determining if you have a higher propensity to become a drug addict, as well as family history of drug abuse. Many behavioral health expers seem to recommend a holistic treatment platform for longterm recovery which is what we all want. Long term results that keep you sober. Rehab centers and addiction treatments are all working to make sure that prescription addiction is not viewed as luxurious drug addiction, but rather another addiction type and not something to be buried under the rug. Prescription drug addiction and in particularly opioids are becoming prevalent in the "suburbs" where typically people who would not be associated with things like drug addiction, are actually in need of seeking substance abuse treatment from qualified rehabilitation centers. Opioids are also very potent drugs that are quite habit-forming when taken in high doses. A user can get addicted if they abuse their prescription. Unfortunately, many people take these drugs recreationally because of the euphoric high they produce. As opioids attach to the opioid receptors in the body, they alter the way the brain perceives pain. This comes with a feel-good side effect that’s pleasant enough to get people addicted. Misusing opioids can lead to tolerance, dependence, and addiction. And constipation isn’t the only adverse effect it causes. We’re just focusing on constipation because of how common this symptom is. Smart recovery options for opioid addiction range from east to west coast. From south dakota to san diego california. The effects of drugs are found in every class room and in nearly every home in the United States. Heroin Addiction, one of the most common of the opiate- opioid familiy has been around for a long time. Yet as long as there are people with mental health issues, personal struggles and money problems, then people will still need drug addiction treatment options. Good addiction treatment centers will address the deep rooted causes of addiction, which is behavioral therapy where you treat the cause as well as the symptoms which is the actual abusing of drugs. Drug rehabs have come along way from how they used to treat addiction. Now things are much more based on holistic treatment, and can target drugs and alcohol as not always, but often someone is addicted to both.

What is Constipation? And How Does It Correlate With Addiction?

Constipation is when a person has infrequent bowel movements, or when they are hard to pass. Normal bowel movements for adults range from three per day to three per week. Opioid-induced constipation isn’t the most serious issue you may face when taking opioids, but it can lead to more serious complications. Constipation may lead to complications like hemorrhoids and anal fissures. Do take note that opioids aren’t the only substances that cause constipation—but they are one of the biggest culprits for most people. You will know that constipation is caused by opioids when the stools are hard and dry. You may have a lack of urge to go to the bathroom, and you might need to push hard whenever you do. Remember that sometimes the problem doesn’t start right away. It can happen any time while taking opioids. [maxbutton id="3" ]

Why do Opioids Cause Constipation?

The process of peristalsis refers to the movement of the stool through your body. It involves the muscles that surround your intestines, as well as the muscles that push the stools. Opioids however, have another side effect that slows or even stops the movement of these muscles. That’s how “relaxed” the body gets when there are opioids in the system. The nerves in your intestine and your spine barely receive the commands you need to do so. Because of this effect, it can be much harder to squeeze these muscles and the stools may become trapped. More surprisingly, opioids can even paralyze the stomach partially. This condition is called gastroparesis. Food may linger in the digestive track for longer. The difference between “regular” constipation and the ones that are opioid-induced is that it is related to the opioid receptors in your body. Remember that constipation isn’t the only problem you face when taking opioids. Be sure to use them exactly as prescribed. Do not misuse your prescription or you could end up at a rehab facility for prescription drug use. If you are addicted to opioids, seek professional medical attention. Most people who use opioids, dont typically think of them-selves as a substance abuser, however the fact remains that you may still need to look for a rehab facility near you today! Wondering how much rehab costs? Your insurance plan may cover 100% of your costs. [maxbutton id="3" ]  

Opioids: Why Do They Cause Constipation? Read more on: RehabNear.me


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