[vc_row][vc_column][vc_cta h2="Help Is Only A Phone Call Away" txt_align="center" shape="round" style="flat" color="vista-blue" el_width="sm" use_custom_fonts_h2="true" use_custom_fonts_h4="true"]Call Now 855-227-9535[/vc_cta] Gamma Hydroxybutyrate or otherwise known as GHB has been out on the market since 1963. Street names of GHB include Liquid Ecstasy, Georgia Home Boy, and Cups. Doctors have abandoned it as a treatment for narcolepsy because of its certain euphoric side effect. But, in 1980’s, it gained popularity because of the fat burning side effects of the drug. Some fat burners and muscle developer contains GHB to lose weight faster. The drug targeted gym fanatics and people who compete in bodybuilding competitions. After several years in the market, the medical community discovered some disease-causing properties. The Food and Drug Administration banned the use of GHB in 1990. However, chemists producing this drug found different ways of switching the ingredients. They use GHB to help people who are having difficulties sleeping and those suffering from insomnia. In 1999, the FDA put a total ban on the drug as it is not supposed to be for human consumption. Also, the agency labeled the drug as "Schedule I" drug which means that it is illegal to consume and sell the drug. The government imposed a fine up to $100,000 penalty and incarceration for people guilty of possessing and selling the drug. Usually, GHB comes in liquid form and has no odor or color. But can provide a high feeling. Most users of this illegal drug are those people who are fond of going into clubs and rave parties. Commonly teenagers and young adults fall prey to the GHB addiction.
Quick Facts about GHB Addiction:
- Since 1990, the US government tracks about 15,600 people who suffered from GHB overdose
- 72 people died because of GHV since the DEA started to keep track of the drug in 1990. It was the same year when the FDA banned the use of the drug.
- Usually packed in plastic bottles, the drug is sold in the streets for as little $5 per dose.
- GHB contains highly addictive properties and withdrawal symptoms may occur as early as 3 hours from the last drug intake. A detox process from GHB can last up to 14 days.
- Women ages between 16 years old to 24 years old are at risk of developing GHB addiction compare to other age groups.
- 42% of women who used the drug may have unwanted sex but choose not to tell anyone.
- Around 3% of people die each year because of GHB overdose. Users may use the drug to help them sleep better because of the sedative properties. However, the drug can do more harm than helping them on their sleeping problems.
- 80% of young adults under the age of 30 may have used the drug at some point in their lives. s
Signs and Symptoms of GHB
Within a few weeks of constant GHB use, users can develop GHB addiction. Usually, users take a regular dose of the drug every hour or so. They might even take larger doses at night. One of the main characterizations of GHB addiction is the compulsive behavior to take the drug. Users may also display an inability to sleep and cannot function normally without the drug. They may also develop strange behaviors which are far from their usual self. Head jerking serves as another prominent sign of GHB addiction. People addicted to the drug display the odd behavior every 15 minutes but may not remember doing so. A person who is using GHB can display several signs and symptoms including but may not be limited to the following:- engaging in wild body motions
- falling repeatedly
- flailing their arms and legs
- slurred speech
- incoherence
- seizures
- odd or uncharacteristic body language
What are the side effects of GHB?
GHB can produce detrimental side effects to the body. This is particularly true especially once combined with other alcohol. It can even lead to death. There are several reported side effects of GHB, the most common are:- sweating
- loss of consciousness
- nausea
- auditory and visual hallucinations
- vomiting
- headaches
- tiredness
- sluggishness
- confusion
- amnesia
- clumsiness

GHB was first seen on RehabNear.me
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