[vc_row][vc_column][vc_cta h2="Help Is Only A Phone Call Away" txt_align="center" shape="round" style="flat" color="vista-blue" el_width="sm" use_custom_fonts_h2="true" use_custom_fonts_h4="true"]Call Now 855-227-9535[/vc_cta] Derived from the opioid drug morphine, heroin is a natural substance that came from an Asian opium poppy plant. Named after Morpheus, the Greek god of dreams, heroin comes in a white or brown powder. It even has a version of a black sticky substance called as tar heroin. Street name of heroin includes dope, horse, junk, and smack.
History of the drug
The history of Heroin dates back to the 1800’s when opium was a fairly popular drug. Opium was largely available in ‘opium dens’ in the Wild West. The popularity of opium grew during this time was because of Chinese immigrants who brought the drugs with them. They came to the country to work on railroads constructions. In 1810, the medical community used heroin as a painkiller. Physicians considered heroin as ‘wonder drug’ because it relieves pains related to medical operations and other traumatic injuries. Heroin also provides a completely numb feeling and a euphoric dream state. In just a few years, in 1850’s heroin was available in the United States and become popular with in the medical profession. The benefits of the drug to treat severe pain astound doctors at that time, and considered a remarkable feat. The addictive properties of heroin went unseen until after the civil war. During the war, hundreds of soldier undergone medical treatment using the drug increased. As a result, tens of thousands Confederate and Northern soldiers become morphine addicts. Several giant drug companies began manufacturing over-the-counter drug kits from the late 1800’s until the early 1900’s. These kits often packaged in vials of heroin and as a glass barrelled hypodermic needle. Drug companies marketed the drug as a cure for all types of physical and mental illness. They put up advertisement campaigns that claimed several uses for the drug. These include treatments for:- alcohol withdrawal
- depression
- colds
- cough
- cancer
- tuberculosis
- even as a cure for old age
Quick Facts about Heroin addiction:
- About 13.5 million people around the world take opioids, this includes an estimated 9.2 million who abuse heroin.
- 93% of the world’s opium supply came from Afghanistan, according to a study conducted in 2007.
- The opium export value at that time was about $4 billion. Afghan opium farmers got only a quarter of the profit while the rest went to drug traffickers.
- Opiates, mostly heroin addiction account for 18% of drug treatment admissions in the United States.
What makes the drug addictive?
Common effects of heroin are often found in the brain of the user. Scientists and health physicians in their studies have discovered that Heroin enters the brain rapidly and changes back into morphine. It binds to opioid receptors on cells located in many areas of the brain, especially those involved in feelings of pain and pleasure. Opioid receptors are also located in the brain stem, which controls important processes, such as blood pressure, arousal, and breathing.Side Effects of the Drug
Heroin affects the brain and the central nervous system. Users experience a brief feeling of euphoria or ‘rush.’ After consuming the drug, it is accompanied with several effects such as:- dry mouth
- flushing of the skin
- Drowsiness
- Sedation
- heavy feelings in the hands and feet
- clouded mental functioning
- going "on the nod,
- relapses in the state of consciousness
- Reduced sensation of pain
- Lethargy
- semi-conscious state
Other effects of the drug may be as follows:
- collapsed veins
- infection of the heart lining and valves
- abscesses (swollen tissue filled with pus),
- constipation and stomach aches
- liver or kidney disease
- lung complications, including various types of pneumonia
- lung complications
- liver disease
- kidney disease
- blood-borne diseases like HIV and Hepatitis C
- Weak pulse
- Pinpoint pupils
- Bluish appearance of nails or lips
- Difficulty in breathing
- Disorientation or delirium
- Extreme sleepiness
- Repeated episodes of loss of consciousness
- Coma
Signs and symptoms of the drug
Signs of people who abuse Heroin include but may not be limited to the following:- Sleepiness
- nodding off
- unexplained periods of euphoria
- suddenly by severe fatigue
- confusion
- disorientation
- declining responsibility for work or performance at school
- covering the body with long pants and long sleeves even if it is hot
- lying
- thefts
- criminal activity
- missing money
- odd sleeping patterns
- weight loss
- scabs and sores from picking at skin
- runny or itchy nose
- slurred speech

Heroin is courtesy of Rehab Near Me
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