[vc_row][vc_column][vc_cta h2="Help Is Only A Phone Call Away" txt_align="center" shape="round" style="flat" color="vista-blue" el_width="sm" use_custom_fonts_h2="true" use_custom_fonts_h4="true"]Call Now 855-227-9535[/vc_cta] MDMA or chemically known as methylenedioxymethamphetamine acts as both a stimulant and psychedelic. The drug becomes popular because of its known effects such as:
- energizing effect
- distortions in time
- alterations in perception
- escape from reality
- methamphetamine
- caffeine
- over-the-counter cough suppressant (dextromethorphan)
- diet drug ephedrine
- cocaine
History of the MDMA
MDMA first developed in Germany during the 1900s, and serve as a parent substance for other synthetic pharmaceutical drugs. Decades after it first discovered, psychiatrists began experimenting with MDMA as a medical treatment for psychotherapy. Even though the drug never got any scientific research, formal clinical trials or received approval from the US Food and Drug Administration for human consumption. Not until late 2000 that the drug received FDA approval for the first clinical trial. The research determined if the drug is safe to use with 2 on-going sessions of psychotherapy. But the administration of the drug needs careful monitoring in treating post-traumatic stress disorder. Nevertheless, the drug gained a small following among psychiatrists in the late 1970s and early 1980s, with some even calling it "penicillin for the soul". The effects of the drug make it easier for patients to communicate during therapy sessions. It also allowed users to think their problem in a different and more in-depth perspective. It was also during this time that MDMA first started becoming available on the street. In 1985, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration banned the drug and classified it as a Schedule I drug, corresponding to those substances with no proven therapeutic value.What makes MDMA addictive?
MDMA affects many of the neurotransmitter systems in the brain that is targeted by other addictive drugs. Few studies have attempted to assess MDMA dependency among users in the general population, and those that have been conducted have shown widely varying results, likely because of the different population samples and different types of measures used.We do know that some MDMA users report symptoms including:
- continued use despite its physical and psychological harmful effects
- tolerance or diminished response
- withdrawal effects such as:
- fatigue
- loss of appetite
- depressed feelings
- and trouble concentrating
Side Effects of the Drug
MDMA can merely affect our brain by altering the activity of chemical messengers, or neurotransmitters, which enable nerve cells in the brain to communicate with one another. They drug also raises the user’s body temperature. In rare occasions, MDMS can cause severe medical conditions leading to death. Also, MDMA causes the release of another neurotransmitter, norepinephrine, which is likely cause of the increase in heart rate and blood pressure that often accompanies MDMA use. It has become a popular drug, in part because of the positive effects that a person may experience within an hour or so after taking a single dose. Those effects include feelings of:- mental stimulation
- emotional warmth
- empathy toward others
- a general sense of well-being
- and decreased anxiety
Harmful Effects of MDMA
- Anxiety
- Restlessness
- Irritability
- Sadness
- Impulsiveness
- Aggression
- Sleep Disturbances
- Lack of appetite
- Thirst
- Reduced interest in and pleasure from sex
- Significant reductions in mental abilities
- Nausea
- Chills
- Sweating
- Involuntary jaw clenching and teeth grinding
- Muscle cramping
- Blurred vision
- Marked rise in body temperature (hyperthermia)
- Dehydration
- High Blood Pressure
- Heart failure
- Kidney failure
- Arrhythmia
- High Blood Pressure
- Faintness
- Panic attacks
- Loss of consciousness
- Seizures

Information on MDMA Find more on: www.rehabnear.me
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