[vc_row][vc_column][vc_cta h2="Help Is Only A Phone Call Away" txt_align="center" shape="round" style="flat" color="vista-blue" el_width="sm" use_custom_fonts_h2="true" use_custom_fonts_h4="true"]Call Now 855-227-9535[/vc_cta] Medications are given because they are supposed to be good for you. They can help treat a condition, or help manage the symptoms. But most medications become dangerous if they are abused. Take them in high enough doses and you’ll likely suffer the consequences. And by “consequences” we mean there’s a long list of reasons why you shouldn’t abuse your prescription medications. Addiction, dependence, withdrawal, and overdose are only some of the physical effects of drug abuse. Not to mention all the emotional, psychological, social, and financial damage it could cause. So why do people abuse their medications? Why do people abuse drugs anyway? It’s because of the euphoric high that many of these substances induce. By taking large doses of opiates, opioids, and other drugs, people can feel blissful and relaxed. Of course, whether it’s all worth it is another discussion entirely (although it’s clear that the answer is no). But today we are going to focus on one substance in particular: buprenorphine. Does it get you high? Let’s find out.
Buprenorphine Overview
Buprenorphine is the main active ingredient in drugs like Subutex and Suboxone. It’s a prescription medication derived from thebaine, an alkaloid of the poppy Papaver somniferum. At low doses, it produces enough agonist effects to enable drug addicted people to discontinue the misuse of opioids. Oddly enough, buprenorphine itself is an opioid. Buprenorphine is often given as a part of a comprehensive addiction treatment program. The reason it is very effective for that purpose is that it has a much lower risk of getting you addicted. It tricks the brain into thinking it has received the same amount of opioid the person usually abuses. But the thing about this medication is that it is not entirely risk free. Using it responsibly is still the key to acquiring its maximum benefits.Buprenorphine: Can It Get You High?
The answer to this is yes—it can. This may sound surprising, knowing that the drug is intended to help stop people from getting high. Not only does buprenorphine induce euphoria when taken in large doses, but it can also be abused. And when someone abuses this drug, they are at risk of developing addiction. Buprenorphine, as helpful as it is, is still an opioid. These narcotics are at their most helpful when taken exactly as prescribed. Anything beyond that can lead to adverse effects. Some drug users do take buprenorphine to experience euphoria. The longer they take this drug, the higher the chance of becoming addicted—same as with other drugs. Even if this drug removes the original opioid from the person’s system, if they continue taking buprenorphine, they can develop a new addiction. Some even dissolve the tablet in water and inject it directly into their bloodstream to increase the intensity of the high. Just because you can get high on this drug, doesn’t mean you should. If you know someone who is abusing buprenorphine, or any other narcotic substance, look for an addiction treatment center near you. A combination of medical detox and behavioral therapy may be necessary to eliminate the effects of addiction altogether. Get started on the path towards sobriety today!
Does Buprenorphine Get You High? is republished from www.rehabnear.me
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