Thursday 2 August 2018

How to Counteract the Effects of Alcohol

It’s not really the alcohol but its effects that makes it a bad kind of drink, more so when people find it hard to drink in moderation and choose to be addicted to it. Day by day, there are many crimes committed as a result of alcohol intoxication. There are fights triggered or cars crashing because of its effects. This becomes a problem. counteract alcohol addiction One solution to this, since we cannot really control people from drinking is to at least counteract the effects so they can still function in a normal way and not start anything that can lead them to danger. Below are some ways on how to counteract the effects of alcohol. Click here to read more. More than a million new cases of skin cancer are diagnosed every year, affecting about one in three Americans in their lifetimes. As I discuss in my video Preventing Skin Cancer from the Inside Out, although the chief risk factor is UV exposure from the sun, alcohol consumption may also play a role. Most of the cancers associated with alcohol use are in the digestive tract, from mouth cancer, throat cancer, and stomach cancer down to cancers of the liver and colon. These involve tissues with which alcohol comes in more direct contact. But why skin cancer? A study of 300,000 Americans found that excessive drinking was associated with higher rates of sunburn. It “may be that heavy and binge drinking are markers for an underlying willingness to disregard health risks” and pass out on the beach, but it also may be because breakdown products of alcohol in the body generate such massive numbers of free radicals that they eat up the antioxidants that protect our skin from the sun. Plants produce “their own built-in protection against the oxidative damage of the sun,” and we can expropriate these built-in protectors by eating those plants to function as cell protectors within our own bodies. One might say fruit and vegetables provide the best polypharmacy—the best drug store—against the development of cancer. The ingestion of plant foods increases the antioxidant potential of our bloodstream, which can then be deposited in our tissues to protect us against the damaging effects of the sun’s rays, but only recently was it put to the test.  

How to Counteract the Effects of Alcohol Find more on: Rehab Near Me


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