Thursday 30 August 2018

Naltrexone: How Does it Make You Feel?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_cta h2="Help Is Only A Phone Call Away" txt_align="center" shape="round" style="flat" color="vista-blue" el_width="sm" use_custom_fonts_h2="true" use_custom_fonts_h4="true"]Call Now 855-227-9535[/vc_cta] Naltrexone is a prescription medication that is given to those who are dealing with addiction. It can be used for opiate addiction, opioid addiction, and it even works for alcohol addiction. In essence, the drug prevents you or discourages you from taking those addictive substances again. On this article, we will focus on the experience of taking Naltrexone. How does it make you feel? What does it do within your system? This way, we’ll get a deeper understanding on how Naltrexone works its magic. Let’s have a closer look.

Naltrexone’s Effect on the Brain

Naltrexone make you feelNaltrexone belongs to a class of drugs called opiate antagonists. It works by attaching to the same receptors that opiates attach to, blocking their effects. This keeps an individual from getting high from opiates because naltrexone is already occupying the receptors they usually attach to. It works the same way against alcohol and opioids. So just a quick review of opiates and opioids: opiates are natural derivatives of the opium poppy plant, while opioids are the synthetic and semi-synthetic derivatives. Both are also called “narcotics” in the medical industry and are used as prescription painkillers for patients suffering from moderate to severe pain. Narcotics aren’t inherently bad. They are used as prescription medications. But aside from relieving pain, they also make patients feel euphoric. It gets you high by giving you a sense of well-being. The risk of getting addicted increases as you take more opiates and opioids. The longer you abuse these substances, the more tolerant you become. Eventually, you can develop physical dependence. This is where Naltrexone comes in. It keeps you from getting high in the first place. However, it is only used as one part of a comprehensive drug addiction treatment program.

Naltrexone and Euphoria: Does it Get You High?

Naltrexone does not produce a high, even at larger doses. That’s the beauty of it. Naltrexone is a safe drug that can replace opioids and opiates in your system. So to answer the question “how does Naltrexone make you feel”—well, it doesn’t. And that seems to be the point. However, it does come with its own set of risks. If a drug dependent individual takes this substance, then they will go into withdrawal. This is why Naltrexone is generally prescribed while the patient is under medical supervision, usually during the drug rehab process. Withdrawal is an uncomfortable phase wherein the body seeks out the abused substance. Depending on the person’s addictive habits, these withdrawal symptoms can even reach life-threatening stages. There is even risk of fatal withdrawal, depending on what opiate or opioid you abused and for how long. This medication should not be used by people who are currently abusing narcotics, because they will suddenly go into withdrawal.

What are the Side Effects of Naltrexone?

To be safe from any serious side effects, be sure to take Naltrexone exactly as prescribed. It may not be addictive, but you should still avoid taking large doses of it. Do not take this drug more often than you’re supposed to. Naltrexone may be taken orally or it may be injected directly into the patient’s bloodstream—whichever the doctor sees fit. Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are allergic to Naltrexone before taking it. Also, tell them about any other allergies. This medication may contain inactive ingredients that can cause allergic reactions. You will want to avoid any additional problems. [maxbutton id="3" ] Common side effects include nausea, headache, dizziness, anxiety, exhaustion, and difficulty sleeping. Withdrawal symptoms commonly caused by Naltrexone include muscle aches, abdominal cramps, bone pain, joint pain, runny nose, diarrhea, anxiety, confusion, extreme sleepiness, and visual hallucinations. Tell your doctor immediately if you experience any of these effects. Naltrexone is one of the best medications available to those who require addiction treatment. Still, it works best as a component of a complete drug rehab program. Behavioral therapy and counseling are just as important. These methods tackle the root cause of addictive behavior. There are emotional and psychological aspects involved that need to be addressed in order to assure long-term sobriety. If someone you love is struggling with addiction, seek treatment right away. Look for an addiction treatment facility near you.

Naltrexone: How Does it Make You Feel? was first published to Rehab Near Me


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