Thursday, 25 May 2017

How To Inject Fentanyl Patch?

Contents1 Fentanyl inside the patch is like a gel. 1.1 Using multiple patches1.2 Injecting fentanyl1.3 Drinking boiled liquid1.4 Chewing patches1.5 Smoking1.6 Snorting2 For young children, and even adults with little to no tolerance of narcotics, the contact can be life-threatening. While transdermal patches of Fentanyl in gel form (e.g. original Duragesic) is a bad idea, non-clinical injection of the drug is even worse. The medication is 50-100x stronger than other opioids even morphine, from which the drug is derived. The most common method of administration of Fentanyl is transdermal via patches. The most recognized brand of fentanyl patches is Duragesic. In recent years, there have been numerous reports of fentanyl abuse that included the mixing of fentanyl in other drugs like heroin. Accidentally coming into contact with the Fentanyl patch’s sticky side can also lead to the drug being released directly into the bloodstream. Fentanyl inside the patch is like a gel. In prior years Fentanyl crystals have failed to dissolve; however, those who abuse Fentanyl patches often remove the gel inside and ingest the three days’ worth of supply in one use. Here are other methods of abusing a Fentanyl patch: Using multiple patches Some users place more than....

How To Inject Fentanyl Patch? is republished from


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