Thursday, 4 May 2017

Is Drug Addiction Hereditary?

Contents1 The NCADD or the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence reveals that the most reliable factor of drug and alcohol dependence is family history.2 Studies have identified in recent years that numerous genes are associated with addiction. 3 If you are aware that your family has a history of drug or alcohol addiction, you can help reduce the risks of anybody in the family developing it. You may: Whether or not the first time to use drugs was a personal choice, sociocultural, biological, and psychological factors can help determine a person’s risk for developing addiction– all influenced by genetics. In the recent years, scientists have created a disease model for addiction. The model attempted to explain why some people get addicted to drugs and why others don’t. It seeks to help explain the possible causes of drug addiction besides the environment. Genetics is said to be responsible for at least 50 percent of the risk of developing drug and alcohol addiction. While genes may not be the sole determinant of addiction, it can increase the likelihood of addiction in a person. The NCADD or the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence reveals that the most reliable factor....

Is Drug Addiction Hereditary? See more on:


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